Post by yaz on May 26, 2013 8:20:21 GMT
Guys, Any suggestions on the requirement of degree certificate and marriage certificate attestation for IQAMA.I think once your family visa and work visa is stamped in your country there shouldn't be any issue while applying for IQAMA in Saudi.Any suggestions pl??I have my educational degree and marriage certificate from other country and my degree was attested in the past when I served Saudi so I don't think that it needs re attestation but not sure about marriage certificate.Agent in UK can secure our visa on these documents but not sure about the requirements in KSA.
Post by GroveWanderer on May 27, 2013 11:29:00 GMT
If you're coming to work for Saudi Aramco (this is the Aramco Expats forum but you don't state if this is the case) then the company will handle the iqama application and issuance for you. You would not normally need to submit any documents or get anything attested after arrival. I'm assuming (but don't know 100% for sure) that they use the documents already supplied for your original entry visa.
Actually, even if you're not working for Aramco I think it's still your company that applies for the iqama on your behalf. As I recall, when I worked for non-Aramco companies, I never had to handle the iqama application by myself or supply any additional documentation.
Post by yaz on May 28, 2013 15:51:00 GMT
Thanks for your reply.The fact is that ARAMCO overseas UK is processing my work visa and my family visa in UK and the documents asked by agent in UK are my Engineering Degree Certificate,Marriage Certificate and Date of Birth certificate of my children but since all of them are issued by another country(As myself and my family members are not British by Birth)he advised me to get my educational degree and marriage certificate attested in the country of issue as this may be required to apply for IQAMA in Saudi but he is not sure and advising me to contact ARAMCO but I am still waiting the response from ARAMCO.As far as single entry visa for me and my family is concerned it will be done in UK without any problem.I got my educational degree attested in year 2005 when I was working in Saudi so no need for re attestation however i am not sure about marriage certificate(If these are required for IQAMA in Saudi)
Post by GroveWanderer on Jun 1, 2013 6:08:33 GMT
I was in the passport office last Wednesday and they have a big poster behind the counter stating what the requirements are for various things, including new iqama issue, iqama renewal, exit/re-entry visa etc. There is also a brochure that you can take copies of, with the same info.
For a new iqama the requirements are:
- Two (2) color photos with white background - Original passport - Medical report
So as you can see, no additional documentation (in terms of attested certificates) needs to be submitted by the employee, at least according to the passport office's published guidelines.
Post by yaz on Jun 3, 2013 13:44:01 GMT
ARAMCO clarified today that attestation of marriage certtificate is mendatory as this is not only govt requirement but ARAMCO also needs it to confirm that you qualify for family status and more over very imp documents(attested marriage and educational degree certificate)for iqama renewal every year and multiple re entry so imo I will get it on the safer side.
Post by GroveWanderer on Jun 5, 2013 7:30:27 GMT
Yes, you need your marriage certificate attested but that is a basic part of the recruitment process (if coming on married status) as you have been told.
However, you do not need to supply a copy of an attested marriage certificate when applying for your iqama (which was your original question) only the documents I mentioned, as per the officially published information from the passport office.
They already have the other documents which (as I mentioned in an earlier post) you would supply to get your original entry visa.
Post by usman1133 on Jan 26, 2015 9:52:25 GMT
If you're coming to work for Saudi Aramco (this is the Aramco Expats forum but you don't state if this is the case) then the company will handle the iqama application and issuance for you. You would not normally need to submit any documents or get anything attested after arrival. I'm assuming (but don't know 100% for sure) that they use the documents already supplied for your original entry visa.
Post by vpainter on Jan 30, 2015 14:38:32 GMT
usman1133, did you read the posts and note the dates on these posts prior to posting?